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Deletes a node's product relationships



Deletes a node's product relationships


Path Parameters

    hierarchyID uuidrequired

    A unique identifier for the hierarchy.

    nodeID uuidrequired

    A unique identifier for the node.


    data object[]
  • Array [
  • id uuid

    The unique identifier of the product to be attached to the node.

    type string

    Possible values: [product]

    This represents the type of resource object being returned. Always product.

  • ]


Successfully returns the updated node

    data object
    id uuid

    The unique identifier of a node.

    type string

    Possible values: [node]

    This represents the type of resource object being returned. Always node.

    attributes object
    name string

    The name of the node, such as Ranges or Refrigerators. Names must be unique among sibling nodes in the hierarchy. Otherwise, a name can be non-unique within the hierarchy and across multiple hierarchies.

    description string

    A description for a node.

    slug string

    A slug for the node. Slugs must be unique among sibling nodes in the hierarchy. Otherwise, a slug can be non-unique within the hierarchy and across multiple hierarchies.

    curated_products uuid[]

    You can curate your products in your nodes product lists. Product curation allows you to promote specific products within each node in a hierarchy, enabling you to create unique product collections in your storefront.

    locales object

    Product Experience Manager supports localization of hierarchies and nodes. If you store supports multiple languages, you can localize hierarchy and node names and descriptions.

    property name* object

    A three-letter language code that represents the name of language you have used.

    name string

    A localized hierarchy or node name.

    description string

    A localized hierarchy or node description.

    relationships object

    Relationships allow you to move between requests. Includes links to the child nodes and products associated with a hierarchy or node.

    children object

    The child nodes related to the resource.

    data array

    An array of child nodes.

    links object

    Links allow you to move between requests.

    related string

    A link to a related resource.

    parent object

    The parent node related to the resource

    data object

    The parent node

    type string

    Possible values: [node]

    This represents the type of resource object being returned. Always node.

    id uuid

    The unique identifier of a node.

    products object

    The products related to the resource.

    data array

    An array of products.

    links object

    Links allow you to move between requests.

    related string

    A link to a related resource.

    meta object
    sort_order integer

    The sort order value. The node with the highest value of sort_order is displayed first. For example, a node with a sort_order value of 3 appears before a node with a sort_order value of 2. See Sorting Nodes in a hierarchy.

    created_at date-time

    The date and time a node is created.

    updated_at date-time

    The date and time a node was updated.

    parent_name string

    The name of the parent of the node if one exists.

    owner string

    Possible values: [store, organization]

    The node owner, either organization or store.
